The Impact of Social Media on Today’s Unrealistic Beauty Standards

5 min read

Gone are the days when young kids used to go out of their house during summer and get their hands dirty by playing various sports. It used to keep them mentally occupied and would help them make new friends.


However, things are different now. You would mostly find younger people and adults spending their time on social media. According to the National Library of Medicine, 95% of young kids between 13 and 17 use social media. Social media is meant to communicate better and foster new relationships with like-minded people. 


However, with apps like Instagram and Snapchat, the younger generation is more focused on virtual beauty and unhealthy comparisons. All thanks to the influencers and celebrities, their edited photos and videos have set some unrealistic benchmarks that have negatively influenced the younger generation. 

How Social Media Has Reshaped Beauty

Social media apps are now heavily focused on visuals. Every app has carefully curated feeds showing heavily edited and beautified pictures of celebrities and top influencers according to users’ preferences. So, all this constant exposure to flawless online persona can create insecurity and dissatisfaction among the younger generation.


Young users who constantly come across their kind of pictures day in and day out standardize them as the new norm.

The Pressure to Fit In: The Like Button’s Power

The entire social media concept revolves around likes and followers these days. Young users feel pressured to garner online approval from their mutuals and other followers. 


So, this constant urge to get noticed and stand out amongst the rest of the users can be emotionally draining and can lead to a lot of anxiety issues and other mental health problems. This pursuit of online validation from users in different parts of the world makes it hard to accept and appreciate yourself.

The Consequences of Unrealistic Beauty Standards

The act of chasing unrealistic beauty standards on social media has already harmed the younger generation’s mental health, and this doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon. So, let us look at some consequences young kids must bear.

1. Negative Body Image and Self-Esteem 

Young users constantly exposed to all the heavily edited photos often start to compare themselves and feel bad about their looks. This unhappiness with their natural appearance could lead to low self-esteem and social anxiety.

2. Snapchat Lawsuit and the Focus on Filters

A recent Snapchat lawsuit against Snapchat highlights the potential harm caused by disappearing messages, Snapstreaks, and beauty filters. The lawsuit also addresses concerns over collecting biometric data through Snapchat’s filters and lenses, which allegedly violated Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).


Firstly, the disappearing message feature is used for all the wrong reasons. People have started posting intimate images and videos. So, the younger generation has this FOMO and is always worried about things happening on the app. Next is the Snapstreaks, where the individual could miss a streak if they fail to snap even for a day. 


All these factors, along with beauty filters, can put a child under a great deal of pressure and anxiety. The Snapchat lawsuit, as noted by TorHoerman Law, claims that using Snapchat and other social media platforms has put younger kids in trouble. A lot of young users have been struggling with social media addiction, trying to self-harm, and having suicidal thoughts, among other reasons.

3. The Constant Comparison and Discontent on Social Media Platforms

Social Media thrives on comparison. The more you look at people who are nearly perfect looking, the more you will feel insecure and unhappy about yourself. Young users feel pressure to alter their appearance to try and constantly match unrealistic standards. This process is a never-ending quest for validation.

The Role of Influencers and Endorsements on Social Media

Social media isn’t just for showing off your “perfect” looks. It is a huge platform where you will find famous personalities and influencers endorsing beauty products. Most of these influencers have millions of young fan followers, and these young fans put themselves under pressure to match their looks. 


Similarly, celebrities are in it too. They team up with the top beauty companies and endorse the products. These personalities make younger users think the amazing glowing skin comes with a magic cream. 


Influencers and celebrities have a huge role in impacting young users. More transparency about editing and promoting body positivity can educate young social media users. They can bring about a positive change by fostering realistic beauty.

Final Thoughts

Social media can sometimes make us feel bad about ourselves. But there is more to social media than that. 


You’ll start appreciating the platform when you follow real people, appreciate different kinds of beauty, and focus on things under your control. Social media is a great platform to connect with others. However, real beauty shines from within.


Additionally, social media lawsuits are holding companies accountable for the negative mental health impacts of their platforms. They offer legal assistance to potential claimants affected by social media addiction and related mental health issues.


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